All Your Heavy Civil Construction Needs in One Place
MVM serves as both a prime and subcontractor and regularly partners with qualified companies. Our low EMR rating reflects a record of zero reportable safety incidents since inception.
Mohawk Valley
We offer a number of construction services that include site preparation, vegetation clearing, road construction and maintenance, flood prevention, disaster recovery, excavation, and more.
Mohawk Valley
When you need state-of-the-art equipment for your project, but don’t need to purchase it, you can rely on us to provide you with the high-quality machinery and equipment rental you need.
Mohawk Valley
We are the Florida Panhandle’s prime source for limerock needs. We truck material to various project sites concurrently, and our experienced employees provide quality rock production.
Count on MVM For Your Next Project
If you need the expert services we offer, we’re ready to help you. Let us know what you’re working on, and we’ll be happy to show you how we can assist you.
Our Record of Success

USACE – Middlesboro Channel Clearing – Middlesboro, KY
Client Name & Address:USACE Kentucky, 110 9th Avenue South, RM A680, Nashville, TN 37203
Dollar Value: $6,394,820.76
Year Performed: 2021 – 2023
Client Reference: Jason Foust – Contracting Officer Representative – 931-319-1136
Manner of Execution
Mohawk Valley Materials, Inc. (MVM) is fulfilling the Department of the Army, Army Corps of Engineers, Nashville District, requirement for clearing Yellow Creek along the Upper Cumberland River basin located in Middlesboro, Bell County, Kentucky. The Government's minimum need is the complete and safe clearing of the channel. Constructed by the Corps of Engineers in the 1930s, the channel consists of a levee system and a flood channel. MVM is responsible for all materials, labor and equipment needed in order to restore flow capacity of flood protection channel by removing sediment buildup and vegetation from the upper reaches of the channel which currently reduces flow capacity of the system. Last channel clean-out was performed in 2009. Work includes approximately 3,600 feet of channel with an option of an additional 1,774 feet of channel clearing.

USACE – Codorus Creek Floodwall Replacement – York, PA
Client Name & Address: USACE, Baltimore District, 2 Hopkins Plaza, Baltimore, MD 21201
Dollar Value: $3,344,871.00
Year Performed: 2021 – 2022
Client Reference: Preston Jacka – Contracting Officer’s Representative – 410-340-3829
Manner of Execution
Codorus Creek is a tributary to the Susquehanna River that spans across 42 miles of York County, PA. The existing flood protection wall along Codorus Creek between Penn Street bridge and Tyler’s Run was constructed in the 1940s and was deteriorating at several locations, posing a threat to neighboring communities. USACE contracted with Mohawk Valley Materials, Inc. (MVM) to replace the Penn Street Floodwall. MVM demolished the existing flood wall and constructed approximately 600 linear feet of new floodwall extending west from the south abutment of the Penn Street Bridge to the Tyler’s Run tributary to Codorus Creek. The project included the driving of over 3,000 LF of steel H-piles and management of lead-contaminated soils. MVM mechanically dredged stream channel sediments and disposed of them offsite. MVM completed all work in accordance with detailed specifications and plans. MVM self-performed all work with the exception of the floodwall construction. MVM provided qualified key personnel with required certifications and experience to manage the Contract, including preparation of over 300 project submittals, and management of the schedule, budget, and scope.
We received the following testimonial from the Corps regarding our performance on this project: “Mohawk Valley Materials demonstrated the ability as a newly graduated small business to manage and construct critical features of work for the betterment of public infrastructure. Their dedication to professional stakeholder interface and delivery of quality products with timely delivery is much appreciated. Their collaborative partnering approach to problem solving and issue resolution contributed directly to the successful completion of this project and to the overall satisfaction of the project stakeholders”

USACE – General Edgar Jadwin Dam Safety Modification – Honesdale, PA
Client Name & Address: USACE Philadelphia, 100 Penn Square East, R Building, Philadelphia, PA 19107-3390
Dollar Value: $5,103,256.83
Year Performed: 2022 - 2023
Client Reference: Robert Abbey - Contracting Officer Representative - 570-216-6190
Manner of Execution
The overall scope of this project was for Mohawk Valley Materials, Inc. (MVM) to provide a geosynthetic liner system on part of the upstream slope and crest of Jadwin Dam. The liner system consists of geomembrane, geotextile, geogrid, and coarse aggregates. The liner installation and aggregate placement amongst other scope is to mitigate future risk. Excavation and placement of existing riprap and installation of new riprap was required. MVM completed 27,100 CY of riprap excavation from the face of the dam, excavated 27,120 CY of subgrade, installed 12,690 SY of highly textured geomembrane and 8,830 of textured membrane, 31,000 SY of geotextile, 9,210 SY of geogrid, 275 CY of concrete anchor trench, and placed 9,000+ CY of aggregate and 19,000 CY of soil. MVM modified 18 existing piezometers and installed four new piezometers; modified existing settlement and horizontal pipes; modified/demolished a USGS gauge shed, replaced 80 tons of full-depth bituminous pavement, and seeded and restored the site upon completion of earthwork. MVM prepared all pre-construction submittals to the satisfaction of USACE and submits submittals through RMS. MVM utilized Primavera to maintain the cost-loaded project schedule, which was reviewed with USACE weekly. MVM provided oversight through qualified Project Superintendent, SSHO and CQM who worked onsite at all times throughout the duration of the project.
We received the following kudos regarding our overall performance on our CPARS provided by the Corps: “The contractor has been great to work with. USACE team and MVM team both agreed that this was a successful project and a very enjoyable project to work on. The end user, USACE Operations Division is happy with the project. This project was identified as a Mega Project due to the life safety implications. It required multiple additional inspections from other USACE employees. MVM efforts showed a commitment to providing a quality project and can be counted on to be a good partner with USACE on future projects.”
Our Mission