USACE – Middlesboro Channel Clearing – Middlesboro, KY
Client Name & Address:USACE Kentucky, 110 9th Avenue South, RM A680, Nashville, TN 37203
Dollar Value: $6,394,820.76
Year Performed: 2021 – 2023
Client Reference: Jason Foust – Contracting Officer Representative – 931-319-1136
Manner of Execution
Mohawk Valley Materials, Inc. (MVM) is fulfilling the Department of the Army, Army Corps of Engineers, Nashville District, requirement for clearing Yellow Creek along the Upper Cumberland River basin located in Middlesboro, Bell County, Kentucky. The Government’s minimum need is the complete and safe clearing of the channel. Constructed by the Corps of Engineers in the 1930s, the channel consists of a levee system and a flood channel. MVM is responsible for all materials, labor and equipment needed in order to restore flow capacity of flood protection channel by removing sediment buildup and vegetation from the upper reaches of the channel which currently reduces flow capacity of the system. Last channel clean-out was performed in 2009. Work includes approximately 3,600 feet of channel with an option of an additional 1,774 feet of channel clearing.